Welcome to Pluck!

Welcome to my first post for Pluck Coaching and Consulting. It’s been an exciting year of providing support to people pursuing personal and professional goals. I am writing this post to share a bit about myself and my business.

Photo credit: Loic Leray on Unsplash

A bit about me

Prior to starting Pluck, I was a Program Manager at the management consulting firm Bain & Company and helped start their internal coaching program. It was an amazing opportunity for me to learn and work with smart, generous people, and have the chance to coach clients all over the world. After eight years, I decided it was time for me to move on and stretch myself professionally.

What is "Pluck"?

I named my business “Pluck” because it means courage or bravery, which is what it took for me to move on from Bain and find my way. In my sixteen years of coaching, I’ve seen that meaningful change and growth only happen with pluck. It’s a characteristic I hope to ignite in my clients.

Although I hope to grow my business in a variety of ways, the core of what I do is one-on-one coaching, typically three to six-month engagements. Clients come to me for many reasons: they’re ready to change jobs and want someone to help them through the process, they want to explore what else they could be doing professionally, they need support with a new professional undertaking, or something just feels “off” and they’re not sure what it is.

I also offer one-on-one coaching for offices and teams, which is a way you can ensure your colleagues are getting the support they need. Usually, I’m invited into an office for one or two days a month and anyone can sign-up for a 30- or 50-minute coaching session with me. We cover whatever is on the coachee’s mind that day, from trouble communicating with their manager or teammates, to thinking through longer-term career ambitions. It’s amazing how much better people report feeling after having one coaching conversation, which can lead to happier and more satisfied employees and workplaces. (Please note that I am still offering this service during the COVID-19 pandemic, but now offer these meetings via Zoom.)

If you’re curious about coaching, please reach out. I’d be happy to have a conversation and help you determine if coaching with me is the next right step to help you develop your professional courage.


Just float